I-ART - Online store of digital art goods for the holiday
Welcome to our online store of digital goods for holidays! Here, you'll discover a wide range of unique digital products that will add magic and joy to any celebration. From digital greeting cards and invitations to decorations and more, we offer high-quality digital goods to help you make your event special.
About Us
We, a team of designers, embarked on the journey of the IART brand in 2023. Initially, the project was quite small, focused on creating products for friends and local markets. We have a passion for experimentation. Our motto is to craft modern and practical goods


Why We Excel at What We Do
Our Team
We are a close-knit team, functioning as one family
We design and refine until the product reaches perfection
We believe that simplicity in our products' style best represents an individual's uniqueness
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iart ltd
Company number
  • +4407537105575
  • info@i-art.store
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